How much are you willing to pay for a designer handbag? If you are used to adding Louis Vuitton bags to your most secret wishlist, you are probably aware of their prices too. Well, the French fashion house has just surpassed its previous records, unveiling the most expensive Louis Vuitton bag ever designed. It’s so expensive that it costs even more than Gucci’s recent $22,000-worth and Fendi’s $34,000-worth bags. And it costs even more than a brand new Mercedes-Benz. Its price tag? A whopping $55,000! It actually costs $1,000 more than the previous most expensive Louis Vuitton handbag, the Louis Vuitton Crocodile Lady Bag PM.
After hitting headlines in August last
year for being the most expensive purse Louis Vuitton had ever debuted,
the Crocodile Lady bag PM has now lost its crown, being replaced by a
more day-to-day piece – the Louis Vuitton City Steamer bag,
the opulence of which is now taking the fashion house, as well as the
entire fashion industry to a whole new level. This slightly sleek
handbag is also here to pay homage to the French fashion house’s
heritage, celebrating its creativity and always-fun ways to redesign
its biggest classics.
Currently available for purchase (you’ll
have to call Louis Vuitton to pre-order and purchase one), this
nude-colored crocodile skin bag features an engraved padlock, a nametag
with LV signature, a cowhide lining, a removable leather strap, which
has enough room for all your papers, files and personal belongings. It
is, of course, made of genuine alligator skin and can be also carried
over the shoulder.
Given the fact that it is only available
upon reservation, the brand this way highlights the exclusiveness of
the luxury Louis Vuitton City Streamer bag. In other words, it means
that it won’t be featured that much neither on any fashion blogger’s
social media account, nor in a lot of advertisement campaigns, meaning
that it will literally be in the hands of a very few people. Although
the standards for expensive designer bags have always been set by the
Hermes Birkin selections, Louis Vuitton seems now to be taking the lead
of the luxury market, bringing it back to its traditional origins:
creating a piece that is exclusive and limited-edition.This is The Louis Vuitton’s Most Expensive Bag Ever
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